The Asigo System Review & 4x Traffic Bonus 2024: Closed?

Why is the Asigo System one of the fastest and easiest way to earn online in 2024?

  • Because unlike most systems Asigo does 2 things very well:
    • Gives you ready to go business complete with an eStore and a eService to Dropship = make money
    • Unlimited traffic source that also increases trust, authority and brand recognition

Creators: Chris Munch and Jay Cruiz
Niche: eServices
Price: $2995 or 4 payments of $995
Official Website:

Wqant Asigo 2.0? Check out DropServe by Chris Munch and Jay Cruiz

Ready to start doing drop servicing with Dropserve?

Want to make a 100% profit per sale without creating a product? Check out my Daily Pay Blueprint at You can do it too!

The Asigo System = Rise of eService Dropshipping?

asigo system reviews

As an affiliate marketer for over 12 years I can totally agree with Jay Cruiz when he says that affiliate marketing is no longer what it was 10, 5 or even 2 years ago.

In fact, I would say that traditional form of affiliate marketing has already peaked. The constant changes in tracking, cookies, privacy issues, and how sales are counted all impacted affiliate marketing. In additional to the growing distrust to anything promoted online.

Will eServices replace affiliate marketing?

Maybe not replace it, but offer a more profitable and easier to get started with alternative. In fact, I'm pivoting a lot of my resources to eServices in 2023 and with my bonuses you can come along for the journey.

Why I'm Taking A Step Back From Affiliate Marketing?

Honestly, I wasn't sure if I would share this but I've thought about stepping away from affiliate marketing for a while now.

In fact, probably for the last 2 or 3 years I've been trying to figure out how to replace parts of my affiliate business with less competitive and more lucrative forms of online marketing.

Does that mean I will stop doing it all together? No, it's still a great way to make money online and I even use ampfire to do so, but it's also good to diversify and grow your business.

However, many times it feels like the effort is not worth the payout. eServices are a much better option in 2022 and for foreseeable future right now.

Is that the same with local, eCommerce or own products?

Asigo vs Other Forms of Online Marketing?

Once again, I'm not trying to talk down any other forms of marketing. In the 10+ years online I've made money in affiliate marketing, eCommerce, local, crypto, and even tried creating my own products.

However, my biggest problem was that I was always a little too late. I usually get into these opportunities just after the most profitable time.

It's like Jay say, you need to get in the introduction phase to make the most money at the beginning and continue to make money as it grows

asigosystem.comMy biggest online marketing regrets are:

  • Missing out on the affiliate marketing boom in the 2000s
  • Not doing eCommerce dropshipping back in the 2010s
  • Not pushing local when I had clients in 2014
  • Not getting early enough on crypto and CBD

You see, it still hurts when I think about these lost opportunities. I've been doing affiliate marketing for around 12 years but tried it out in 2007 for the first time.

At that time getting affiliate sales was as easy as creating a blog and 3 posts. No backlinks, social media, or waiting for 6 months to get commissions flowing.

The same was with eCommerce, local, crypto, and any other method, market, niche or even product at the start. It's like the famous saying,”be first or be better.”

It's a lot easier to be first in a growing market than be better than everyone else in a established one.

If you're one of the first people on the market, you have a tremendous advantage. Which includes:

  • Little to no competition
  • You set the prices
  • High profit margins
  • Easy customer/client acquisition
  • Huge growth potential
  • Quick brand recognition
  • Authority over the market

You have something people want and there is no competition to undercut you. Best part? By the time you get competition, you'll be too well-established to even care.

On the other hand, if you're entering a market that's over-saturated it's an uphill battle that includes:

  • Intense competition
  • Little to no growth potential
  • Pressure to expand
  • Decrease in demand

In the end, you either need to be better than everyone else, cheaper or come up with some new scheme.

That's why it's so easy to make money with and eService dropshipping. It's a new industry that's just getting started and for the first time in my online venture, I'm at a starting point of a tremendous opportunity, and so are you.


How Does The Asigo Program Work?

So, how does the Asigo System make you money and how is it different then affiliate marketing?

The easiest and most profitable way to get started with Asigo is drop-shipping Ampifire. Basically, selling the ampfire service in your eStore and let Chris and Jay's team fulfill it. I'll explain that in detail later, but are there others?

What eServices Can You Promote?

I've receive a few messages asking what you can promote using the Asigo System. Honestly, everything and anything you want. The possibilities are endless.

However, here's a list:

  • Ampifire – you have everything ready to start promoting it
  • eServices – you can find using High-Ticket Sales Seeker
  • Other services – you can promote other white label services
  • All other forms of marketing like affiliate, ecom, and even local

Of course, Ampifire is the easiest to get started with as you have everything handed you on a silver platter. Second would be finding and populating your store with the High-Ticket Sales Seeker inside Asigo.

However, you can go beyond that and offer white label services from any niche or market. In fact, I've included a several inside my bonus.

These include:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Mobile app creations
  • AI content
  • The list goes on…

With that said I've used what I've learned inside Asigo and other Ampifire trainings to promote affiliate offers (directly and the ones on my site), eCom, book launch and much more.

As you can see Asigo doesn't box you in and force you to promote only Ampifire. However, it's still the best way to get started.

Starting With Selling Ampfire

Why? Because everything is already done-4-you and ready to go. I mean you get:

  • You own “Copy & Paste” eStore DFY
  • Automated Funnel to maximize sales
  • Recapture lost sales autopilot system
  • Done-4-you fulfillment of the service

How Does Dropshipping eServices Work with The Asigo?

The entire process of Chris Munch's Asigo Program looks like this:

eservice dropshipping

As you can see above, almost all of the steps are done for you. Your part is to pick a niche or market that individuals and businesses would benefit from Ampifire, pretty much anyone that sells or offers services online, and target them with your AmpiFire campaigns.

Of course, you'll learn all the details during the live weekly training sessions, or watch replays, but that's all you need to get started.

  1. Pick a niche/market to target (Asigo has pre-selected niches)
  2. “Copy & Paste” your eService dropshipping store
  3. Use Ampifire to find the customer from a pool of 50 million potential leads
  4. Automatically sell and fulfill the eService

After that, it's rinsed and repeat to 6-figures. Which can take you only 8 months if you get 3 new sales per month as you follow the model below:


You see, once you're selling AmpiFire in your store, you can charge anything from $297 to $2,997. I would charge $997 as even at the price, it's well worth it. However, the above model is based on the $497 price tag for people just starting out.

As you can see above, even at $497, you still make $397 from each sale, which is 75% profit because the fulfillment cost is $100. If you sell it for $997, that's 90% profit or $897.

Best part? It's an eService which means recurring sales every month. How many $17 or $47 eBooks would you need to sell to earn what one AmpiFire sale will make you?

Honestly, the ability to resell AmpiFire under your brand is one of the main reasons I jumped on this opportunity and is well worth the price of the Asigo System alone. It's like being an Amazon FBA seller but without the need to buy or have custom-made products.

So, what white label eCommerce was in 2010s, white label services is in 2020s.

The above opportunity is just from one product. Imagine filling your store with 5 or 10 products that could earn you $1,000+ recurring commissions?

Review of AmpiFire Asigo Traffic Software

ampifire review

Let's talk about the ampifire software and how you will use it to power up your eStore and get hundreds if not thousands of potential buyers each month.

I think it's an enormous advantage to start you eStore around AmpFire Asigo, an eService you will use to drive traffic to the store. This way you'll already have it's potential and reach of 50+ million visitors worldwide.

Let's see how it works.

Ampifire = Visitors, Trust and Authority?

It's no secret that content is the biggest driver of traffic online right now. Just look at some of the biggest news sites out there that are churning out around 200 pieces of content per day.

We're talking sites like:

  • Yahoo News
  • Google News
  • Huffington Post.
  • New York Times
  • CNN
  • Fox News
  • and so on

The equation is rather simple. The more content you have, the more places it will be featured on (search engines, social media, news sites) the more people will see it and visit your page/website.

However, how do you get that much content?

Churning out 10 pieces of content per week is hard for anyone working a 9 to 5 job or running their own online business, let alone 200 per day.

Luckily, you don't need anywhere near that with The Asigo System. In fact, a 1 piece of content written by you, from a template or even written for you, is enough to syndicate it to 400+ sites.

Depending on your market, you would need to write 1 content piece (or have one written) every week, month, or even 3 months while using the Asigo by Chris Munch and Jay Cruiz to get the full benefit.

That's a real game-changer and the reason you can start an eService eStore and get customers the same day.

How Does AmpiFire Software Work?

So, you're ready to start your first campaign? I'll be honest it's rarely I get excited these days when testing out new systems as I did with ampifire.

How is this different? After the training and looking to start the first campaign, I've realized that I've already done similar campaigns, at least partially, to the ones that ampifire does.

The only difference is that mine were done through several services, a Virtual Assistant, or myself. Which still worked great, but it can cost up to $5,000 and take a week to complete.

Ampifire combines all of that, and then some, into simple and affordable campaigns.

So, let's a recap what posts you can get with Ampifire:

  • Real High Traffic Blogs
  • Mainstream New Site
  • YouTube and Vimeo
  • LinkedIn's SlideShare
  • POdBean and buzzsprout
  • Facebook and Twitter
  • Even Google News

Using no other services, assistants, or without spending hours yourself.

Automation Meets Results: How AmpiFire Works

I ampifire a content distributor? Not quite, what Chris Munch and his team did is combine software automation, artificial intelligence with manual writing and optimization to create something unique.

They basically took out 90% of the work to streamline a campaign of posting and doing all of the things I've talked about before into a single task for you. You'll be able to resell it the same way and focus on your business and not fulfilling orders.

Let me show you what I mean:

The first option you have is to either create a new Amp yourself or have one created for you. You can have one created for you, a true hands off approach, but it does cost additional credits, and I'll talk about this later. For now, let's stick with creating one ourselves.

the asigo bonus

The next option you have is to either create one from scratch or template. The crucial difference here is that if you do it from a template, you're just filling in the blanks while Ampifire does the rest.

If you're doing it from scratch, then you're still guided by a step-by-step process, but you'll be writing all the content out yourself.

I really like the template version, as it makes the process easier and faster. So, let's go with that one.

ampifire bonus chris munch

Here's where it gets really interesting. As you can see above, there is a template for anything you want to promote. From reviews, reports, top-lists, and case-studies to book launches, award winners, and charitable donations.

How does that fit in with the Asigo System? Let's say your eStore targets, self-published writers. Did you know there were 1.6 million self-published books released in 2021? It's estimated 2022 was around over 2 million.

Many of these self-published writers are looking for ways to get exposure for their books. Guess what's the best way to do that? A book launch.

You can dropship the eService to AmpiFire and help struggling writers get more exposure.

All they would have to do is have AmpiFire do everything for them, let them write their own or they can use a template and just give word or sentence answers to form an entire campaign.

Okay, so once you have your content all written out for you it's time to publish it and this is where the magic happens.

News Article and Blog Posts

The first two places Ampifire will publish your content to is news articles and blog posts. Now, we're not talking just some free press releases sites but news sites like USA Today, BBC News, and over 400 other news sites out there.

I mean, it's worth it for the bragging rights alone, as you can honestly say that you were featured in some of the biggest news sites in the world. However, the news articles will also be featured in Google news, and in regular Google results.

Essentially, you're getting traffic from new sites themselves, Google News, and regular Google all in one. There is another long-term benefit of this that I'll talk about later.

It also posts on high authority blog posts, which can get you traffic from both the sites themselves and rankings. Plus, it has the long-term benefit I'll get into details about at the end.

Podcasts Slideshow and Videos

  • The next thing Ampifire does is take the content and turn it into audio to post on various podcast sites.
  • It does the same with content and pictures to create a slideshow that it posts to sites like Slideshare.
  • Finally, it takes the slides and audio to create a video that is spread on sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

How cool is that? With no extra work, they create and syndicate your content in audio slides and video form while getting a link back to the promotion, and long-term benefits. There is more information about this in the AmpiFire review I did.

Start spreading the news of your eStore now

Let’s Recap What You Get With The Asigo

the asigo system

The Asigo System “7 Figure Fast Track” Training Program

  • 8 Weeks of Live Digital training to start your own dropshipping eService
    • A to Z blueprint to start offering eServices from your eStore
    • Over the shoulder videos, mind maps, checklists and everything else needed
    • Learn everything Chris Munch and Jay Cruiz knows and learned about doing eService Dropshipping with Q&A sessions

Your Own “Copy & Paste” eService Dropshipping Store

  • Copy and Paste eStore and Automated Dropshipping Funnel
    • Done-4you website and funnel to cut out the technical stuff
    • Funnels specializing in high-ticker and recurring eServices
    • Tested on 30,000,000+ visitors over the last 5 years

AmpiFire : Special Reseller Edition To Dropship

  • Start dropshipping this powerful Traffic System
    • Sell it under your brand in your eStore
    • Get a 90% profit margin month in and month out

The Asigo “Aim & Fire” High-Ticket Sales Seeker

  • Use the high-ticket sales seeker and find high converting offers
    • Target segments from 50 million potential buyers
    • 20 times faster than manual research
    • Fill your eStore with offers with just a few clicks

The Asigo “Aim & Fire” Recapture System

  • Automatically return your ‘almost ready’ visitors back to your eStore
    • Fill your funnel with pre-qualified visitors that showed interest
    • Automatically nurture those visitors in $50+ leads
    • Convert logical buyers that don’t purchase on impulse

The Asigo “Done For You” eService Fulfillment Center

  • Get Paid to provide “Done-4-You Service
    • Profit without ever touching the service yourself
    • Automatically fulfill and deliver your orders
    • Supports an unlimited amount of sales you generate

You get all of this in an easy-access member's area. However, I've not talked about one of the most important parts.

Let Me Help You: The Asigo Bonus Package

aigo bonuses

Okay, instead of doing the typical bonuses like everyone else I decided to givr you something you can actually use with the Asigo System instead of just another “system” to make money.

I mean, you getting one of best ways to earn online so why would need another dead-end method?

If that wasn't enough I guarantee you that I will not stop helping you achieve total success with the Asigo System, or give up. If you purchase it with my link. Like This One.

Now, I never offered this before and probably never will, but I believe in the Asigo System and know you can get success if you follow it.

Bonus 1: I'll Run My Strategy To 3X Your Campaigns

This is something I've been doing on my own AmpiFire campaigns and the results are amazing. On average, I can 3x the traffic, leads, and sales on any Asigo System campaign, with some of them, even doing 10x.

Here's how it works:

asigo  bonus

You see, I power up the 400+ pieces of content AmpiFire syndicates for you to give them more traffic, authority, and of course power. That's 3 to 10 times the power with each power-up.

Here's my result with MarketWatch article:

asigo system links

That's almost 6k visitors in 3 months from just MarketWatch.

You'll get 10 of those for free as part of my bonus. Now considering I do this for clients and charge on average $2 per site, with 400+ sites in AmpiFire x 10, you're getting around $8,000 in value from this bonus alone.

However, that's not all

Bonus 2: Unlimited Power-Ups Done for You and Your Customers

I know that once you experience that power of Bonus 3 you'll want to use it for yourself and your customers. As you'll be able to charge double with my power-up, but I'm offering only 10.

No worries, I'll be able to do an unlimited amount of those campaigns for you at 1/4 of the price after the 10 free ones. That's just $0.50 per piece of content power-up.

It will cost you only $200 and you could easily charge $800 as I do, or go up top $1,600. It will be still worth it.

Bonus 3: Top eServices To Promote

This Asigo bonus was inspired by someone who wanted the system but needed more services to promote.

Now, Aisgo offers plenty of eServices  to promote but sometimes you want something extra. Maybe a system that is not that well known you can dominate in matter of days?

That's what my 3rd bonus is all about. I'm going to give you names of eservices you can dropship that are less know but convert like crazy.

Imagine getting even more money from commissions than promoting Ampifire or my service! Yes, it's possible.

Bonus 4: My Personal Contact Info

It doesn't matter if you're stuck, need help with something specific or just want to chat about the process, I'll be there to help you out.

I know how hard it is to get started and despite the fact that you'll get access to Asigo Community, sometimes you just need that one person to be there for you. I know I needed someone like that when I just started out, so I'm here to help you.

Bonus 5: Unlimited Reviews of Your Campaigns and Promos

With 13 years of experience in online marketing, I can help with any problems you might have with your campaigns or anything else. Sometimes it's just the little things like getting the headline right or using the right image that can change everything.

You'll be able to send anything you want for me to review, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

What's Stopping You From Getting The AsigoSystem?

asigo By now, you know that the Asigo System is a no brainer. It pays for itself in matter of days or weeks top.

The ability to resell Ampifire and the credits you get are worth 10x what you pay for it.

If you add my bonuses and the ability to resell my service at 4x (only available to people that buy using my link) you double your money.

No, but I get it. Investing an amount like that into an online system seems a lot. It is, but you're not buying a new phone, or a gadget that will lose value the second you pick it up.

You're investing in yourself and getting tons of stuff for free in the process. The Asigo System doesn't cost more than an average University course in the United States.

Think about that for a minute. You need 40x Asigo Systems to get a bachelor's degree on average in the States right now. That is 40 times the price of a system that is proven to earn you 6 or 7-figures and has a money-back guarantee if you don't.

Now, compare that to a bachelor's degree that guarantees you nothing, and has no refund policy. If that wasn't enough, it takes 4 years to complete.

So, does the Asigo System cost seem justified? Without a doubt, at least it's a system that can get you paid in days not years.

Worse case scenario? You return it and get your money back.

If you're at least a little serious about making money online you need the Asigo System. Get it now with all my bonuses as it is closing tonight!


20 thoughts on “The Asigo System Review & 4x Traffic Bonus 2024: Closed?”

  1. I’m still not clear on what exactly e-services are. In dropshipping you have a physical product. I already have Ampifire.
    What is it I’m selling?

    • Hi Mark,

      The point of Asigo System is “dropshipping” eServices and not physical products. The name might be confusing but it simply means selling eServices that are fulfilled by someone else, hence the dropshipping name.

      The main product you can resell in your done-4-you eStore is AmpiFire and seeing how you already have it, you know it’s potential. You can white-label it and sell Ampifire for $297 to $2,997 and only pay $100 fulfillment.

      Does that help?

  2. Does this business sell on line advertising marketing posts?
    Does it sell it self to have thousands more business centers of which I am one? And as a business center I try to open competitive business centers?
    I am not sure what your miracle machine does?
    What do I do to make it work?
    Does it have automated follow up email sales closing campaigns?
    Can I run this software through my phone? iPad? Computer?

    • Hi Richard,

      The system sells eServices, which includes marketing. However, the best way to get started with Asigo is selling the AmpiFire in the done-4-you eStore.

      It’s not a miracle machine and you don’t need to compete with everyone. The idea is that you can target a niche/market that benefits from online traffic and resell them the software. So, you’re not trying to just sell a “traffic system” to everyone but focus on a specific niche.

      Like in my review I talked about self-published writers, I would sell the traffic system at a 90% profit to them. Targeting just self-published writers is a lot less competitive than all online businesses. Do you get the point?

      As I already said, the easiest way to make it work is follow the training and start with selling AmpiFire, and than branch out. If you start it that way you get a done for you eStore, funnels, email campaigns and so on.

      Last but not least, I do it on the computer but I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to run it on iPad or even a phone.

  3. I bought into this yesterday as I am looking to set up an online presence I am however completely baffled by it all. My thinking is that I target a niche ( say blue widget painters) and try selling them Amifire which will help them promote their business, is this correct or am I miles off.


    • Hi Russ,

      First of all congrats at getting the Asigo System! You got the right idea with targetting a niche and selling them eServices. However, it will not be limited to AmpiFire, it’s just the easiest to get started as it’s fulfilled by their team. Also, I wouldn’t worry about getting specific on a niche just yet as there are angles on niches that work really well with AmpiFire which will be covered in the trainings.

  4. I’ve been on the fence for about 3 days now. Can you have more than one niche, or does that require multiple investments? Can you target your amps geographically, like by state or zip code?

    • Hi Heather,

      You can more than one niche, sure. In fact, you can even switch niches with Asigo without the need to buy another. AmpfiFire on the other hand is credit-based so you can run as many amps as you have credits. You get 2 credits per month with the subscription and have the ability to purchase more, with the cheapest price being around $57 per credit. Last but not least, yes you can have the Amp be about anything and any place you want. However, from my experience, you get the best results by putting a news-worthy spin on it. So, instead of just having an article about a local business, you can do a special sale, new service/product announcement, grand re-opening, maybe even discount codes, and so on.

      Hope that helps, let me know and I’ll send you an email,

  5. What e-services are offered? In what I’ve read and viewed on video, many times this question is asked but not answered. The answers I’ve seen are general and quickly go to re-selling the Ampifire software. Can you tell me the top 6 eservices that Ampifire sells and supports? Thank you.

    • Hi Michael,

      I can’t really give the exact eServices recommended inside Asigo (sorry, that’s only for the members). However, you are not limited to Ampifire or any that are mentioned in the course. In fact, you just gave me an idea for a great bonus. I’ll give an eService I recommend for Asigo promotion and create a bonus including six or more.

      Hope that helps! Talk soon.

  6. Hi Anna,

    Can you also send me an email with your bonusses please?
    On the fence to buy this program through your link




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