The Crypto CATCH-UP Event by Teeka Tiwari is happening Wednesday, Nov. 11th, at 8 PM ET:
Click Here To Register For The Event and Get Teeka's Top Pick For Free
Let's Talk Crypto Catch-Up for Real in 2020 and 2021
I'll be honest, the 2018 and even parts of 2019, but Dan Hollings used the Plan to make money with automated grid bot that rocks and were not kind to Bitcoin and cryptos in general. I know, I lost tens of thousands of dollars myself during that period. Since then I often asked myself, was it my fault?
Make sure to see 2021 catch up coins picks by Teeka Tiwari
It's easy to brag about your crypto earnings when everything is going well and Bitcoin is shooting to the moon. The same way it's easy to bash cryptos when they're getting slaughtered like in the years I've mentioned.
It doesn't take a genius to react to what's happening right now. Bitcoin goes up, fans will praise it. Bitcoin goes down, haters come out with “I told you so” speech. However, to predict the next move or at least prepare for it, does take a real expert.
You see, in 2018 I already made a good amount with cryptos thanks to Teeka's recommendations. Even without the alt-coins that went up 100,000%, buying Bitcoin at $500, $2,000, and even $3,000 was a great investment.
However, like most, I wanted more and totally disregarded the signs and real experts, like Teeka. My crypto buying patterns started to be governed by FOMO, fear of missing out, listing to so-called “experts” on YouTube.
The result? I ended up buying Bitcoins at $12k+ when it was already going down and just months before Bitcoin hit $3k.
Now, you can argue that it wasn't such a bad idea as bitcoin is at $13.5k right now. So, I'm still in the green, sort of speak. However, the problem is I broke Teeka's number one rule; invest more than you can lose.
I did just that and because of financial issues, I had to sell a good portion of my Bitcoins at $3k to $6k. Netting me a loss of around $100k from what I spent.
At this point, you might be thinking that I'm a total novice and why should you listen to me, right? Well, losing 6-figures teaches you a thing or two about investing but more importantly you should listen to a real expert like Teeka Tiwari and follow his 2 golden rules.
- Never invest more you are prepared to lose
- Diversify your crypto portfolio with a small position
Why You Should Listen To Teeka Tiwari?
Teeka Tiwari has been named one of the most trusted crypto experts in the space. Now that might not mean much these days, everyone seems to be an expert online, but Teeka has been named it by his peers on different occasions,
You see, the bottom line is that if I listened to Teeka I would have made 10x my money with ease. In fact, that's Teeka has a special 1,000% guarantee in the overall gains and has hit it each time for all of his previous reveals.
So, say what you want about cryptos but the Big T knows and thing or two about how to make money with it. After all, he has spent the last few years traveling the world, or doing zoom calls during the pandemic, and talking to cryptos experts while his team analyzes and vet every possible coin.
In fact, Teeka will reveal his latest top pick live on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, at 8 PM ET.
Click Here to register for that now
Why The Crypto Catch-Up is Key for 2020-21 and What Went Wrong in 2018?
Now, I don't want to dwell on the past and if you want a more detailed explanation of what happened in 2018 you can read my Palm Beach Confidential 2020 Review.
However, the bottom line is that due to the media frenzy fed by the FOMO of online “crypto experts” on Reddit and YouTube Bitcoin went up so fast it was not sustainable, and a correction had to take place.
To echo some investing experts like Warren Buffet who said “fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” Or Paul Samuelson who said “Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.”
These above quotes summarize it perfectly because while most people investing, either for the first time or putting in more, during the end of 2017 and early 2018 were doing to make a quick buck, myself included, and many couldn't wait out the winter.
One of the key factors not many people seem to talk about is that the volume didn't make sense with the 2017 rally. Just look at this picture of Bitcoin Price, Market Cap, and 24h Volume.
During Bitcoin's biggest rally between December 2017 and January 2018, the highest 24 volume of Bitcoins being sold and bought was around $23 billion. Which is odd seeing how supposedly everyone was buying or selling Bitcoins at this time. Especially how in 2019 when almost no one talked about bitcoin's volume hit $45 billion in a single day in June.
To me, it seems clear now that the big Bitcoin investors, whales as they are often called, and crypto experts were neither selling or buying Bitcoins at this time. It was mostly newcomers and small-time investors that were first buying because of FOMO and then panic selling.
Now if you look even closer the Bitcoin volume has pretty much stayed above $20 billion in 24h volume since May 2019 and had a few heights of $70+ billion, Including during the worse pandemic in the last 100 years.
If that's not an indicator Bitcoin is here to stay I don't know what could be.
What is The Crypto Catch-Up by Teeka Tiwari About?
Teeka Tiwari calls it the last chance to hit it big with crypto, and I have to agree. While cryptocurrency becomes more mainstream and institutional, with even Banks accepting Bitcoin, the profit margins will get smaller.
However, those familiar with the Bitcoin cycle know that something special happens around every 4 years, the Bitcoin halving. While the halving, which means the supply of new Bitcoins gets cut in half, doesn't affect the price as much, the following months are crucial.
Just take a look at the 3 previous halvings and Bitcoin skyrocketing like clockwork.
If you bought Bitcoin for $12.35 at halving or even a few months later, you could have sold it for $1k in January 2014.
On halving in 2016 and months after for around $650 and sold it at around $20k in January 2018.
Do you see the trend here? Each time the halving the Bitcoin went up like crazy. 8,233% after 2012 halving and 2,977% after the 2016 halving.
What will happen now? After we had another Bitcoin halving in 2020? Will Bitcoin go up 8,000%? Probably not, and most likely not 3,000% either. Maybe 1,000% to 1,500% would be a good estimate. Which is still an insane amount in a single year on the investment.
However, cryptos are not only Bitcoin, and when Bitcoin went up 2,977% after the halving, some alt-coins went up 10,000% or 50,000% and even 150,000% in that same amount of time.
That's what Teeka wants to focus on during the Crypto CATCH-UP event 20202 and he has a secret to reveal that is a total gamer changer. A group of cryptos with a “countdown clock” that let's you know when the exact day the crypto is about to take off.
Combine that with the latest Teeka Tiwari pick for 2020 and The Crypto CATCH-UP event is a must to watch on Wednesday, November 11th, at 8 PM.
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Anna VanDem is a loving wife, caring mother and passionate entrepreneur that wished to help everyone in their online journey. Anna's focus is SEO and affiliate marketing, but she also enjoys eCom, crypto and investing (also chocolate).
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