The name Philip Johansen might not be the first one that comes up when you think of a affiliate marketing. However, did you know he's one of the top in the world?
Philip is making high six to even 7-figures a month using exactly what he teaches in the 7-Figure Accelerator, but how did he get started?
From 0 to 7-Figures: Philip Johansen
What is the first thing you noticed when you look at Philip Johansen? A big muscle guy that sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger, right?
However, there is much more to Phil than his appearance.
Like most people trying to make money online he struggled to make anything for two years. He tried every system he could get his hands on but nothing worked.
In fact, he got into $20k debt and living in a basement apartment before striking gold. What was his secret?
Modeling Success – The Philip Johansen Way
The first thing you have to do is find what already works and model it. When it comes to creating an income online you don't need to reinvent the wheel, just do what works.
Now, that doesn't mean you have to copy exactly what other people are doing. Or worse, copy their whole posts and videos.
No, you want to see what they are doing and model it. You can even put your own spin on it. The goal is to get into the success lane.
So, who do you model after?
Someone successful of course, inside the 7-Figure Accelerator you model after viral videos on Instagram and Tiktok for example.
That's what Philip Johannes was doing and after 2 years of struggling made $1.2 million in 3 months or so. Now you can model him!
Watch the free training now
Find a Mentor – Want Phil or Me?
The second step is find a mentor that can help you to get to the next level or even 10x your earnings. The idea of a mentor is an important one as someone like Philip, or even me, that has made money online and know how things work.
So, a mentor can not only help to do it right, but also tell you when you're doing it wrong. Or just offer moral support, show you that there is a better way to earn and you can do it. The light at the end of the tunnel.
When you join the 7-Figure Accelerator using this LINK you'll learn both from Philip Johansen and me. Neither of us will allow you to fail.
So what are you waiting for?
Does Affiliate Marketing Even Work?
You might be wondering is this whole affiliate marketing even works. Well, I've been a affiliate marketer for over 10 years, and yes, it definitively works.
In fact, I would argue it's the best way to make money online because:
- There is no inventory to buy, keep or ship (so no need for big capital to get started or lost money)
- You don't sell anything, only promote products – so no hassel
- You don't even need a website (I would recommend one but you don't need it)
- You can get started with no product and zero followers and still make money.
- Finally you can work from anywhere and promote anything in the world.
However, there are downsides of this as well:
- A lot of scams that promise affiliate riches but never deliver
- High competition as millions of people promote the same things
- Low conversion rate on over-saturated products
- Low trust because of scams
Is There A Solution?
My solution to make money with affiliate marketing and feeling good about it has been to promote high ticket offers that are legit and convert well.
For example, I stay away from $47 products that promise the world products but deliver 0.001% of that at best. Despite these products paying even 90% commission, it's still not worth it. Why?
- It takes as much effort to promote a $47 products that pays $42.50 as promoting a $2,000 product that pays $1,000
- That $47 is not a solution people are looking for, it's just a step and they will look again – no value
On the other hand a high ticket program like 7-Figures Accelerator actually offers value and helps people to make money to change their lives.
On the other hand do you think a $47 product, cost of a fast food dinner for two, will make you financially free in the next few months?
Philip Johansen's Solution to 6 or 7-Figures
When I saw how the 7-Figure Accelerator works I knew this fits my solution as well because
- It's a high-ticket offer that make you $1,000+ per sale
- Is legit with hundreds of people making commissions everyday
- Isn't over-saturated like Clickbank offers
- It's evergreen, as most high-ticket offers are time-limited
However, once I started using the Philip Johansen's affiliate system I've realized how much better it is than anything I've been promoting most of the time.
Here are some additional benefits:
- It has 2 Facebook groups that you can learn from, ask questions and voice your concerns. It's like having 100s of mentors
- A life-time cookie, meaning once the person is in your funnel no matter when they buy you get the commission
- Another benefit of life-time cookie is that even if they buy other things from Phil, like a mastermind or private coaching you get a affiliate commission as well. These can be even $16k commissions
- Finally, the funnel is build for you!
Imagine having a fully working funnel in a day or 2?
Listen, you can not underestimate the power of the funnel that you get with 7-Figure Accelerator. From my experience most people don't make moeny online because they don't know how to do the initial set up and give up.
In fact, even I after doing affiliate marketing for over 10 years procrastinate on building out something new. That's why I love how I got my funnel the day after I joined Philip.
You can get yours too!
Finally, the most famous question.
Philip Johansen Net Worth?
Everyone seems to want to know how much Philip Johansen is worth. Honestly, I don't know and I bet no one knows except for Philip himself.
However, he's rich enough to buy an apartment in Dubai, world's most expensive city, drive the most expensive cars, eat at the best restaurants and pretty much do whatever he wants.
Is that rich enough for you? Check out the 7 Figure Accelerator by Philip Johansen to join the ranks

Anna VanDem is a loving wife, caring mother and passionate entrepreneur that wished to help everyone in their online journey. Anna's focus is SEO and affiliate marketing, but she also enjoys eCom, crypto and investing (also chocolate).