The Opportunistic Trader Reviews – Larry Benedict Options 2022?

With the Opportunistic Trader by Larry Benedict you'll get 1 to 3 trading recommendations per week to get you on-track of earning over $200k with it in the next 12 months.

How about a Larry Benedict One Ticker Retirement plan? Click Here to get it now

Check out Nomi Prins' Distortion Money Matrix if you're interested in stocks and options.

50 Larry Benedict's Opportunistic Trader Winners?

Let's address the elephant in the room:

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  • Can you really make $200k in the next 12 months with Larry?

That's a bold statement, and one you might have heard before from different gurus, experts and entrepreneurs.

Maybe it was a different figure, a $100k is a popular number, but at the end it all means the same thing. You'll become rich by doing what they teach, or so they say, which doesn't always work out.

So, what make Larry's claim different? There are 2 main reasons:

  1. You Don't Need To Build Anything – that means no need to start a online business, build a website, or run an eCommerce store to make money with Larry.
  2. Undeniable Proof – Larry knows what he's doing and consistently made money for himself and others without having a loosing year in over 2 decades

larry benedict reviews

Now, don't get me wrong. Creating an online business is a great way to earn, but you can really duplicate the success without a learning curve and additional work.

I mean, you can't just copy a whole eCommerce store with the same inventory and hope it works just as well. There are too many moving parts for business like that to be duplicated 100%.

With Larry recommendations:

  1. You get new trading alert
  2. You execute it based on Larry's recommendation
  3. You potentially double or triple your money on every trade

It's really as simple as that. However, this takes me to second reason about Larry's undeniable proof. Let's just see Larry's track-record:

  • Larry ever had a losing year while managing his hedge fund from 1990 to 2010
  • His hedge fund, Banyan Capital, has been ranked by Barron's in 1% in the world
  • Legal audit proofs Larry has generated $274 millions in from 2014 to 2012
  • In his best year, 2008, he profited $95 million for his clients and himself
  • All of this earned him a 3rd spot in Jack D. Schwager's Hedge Fund Market Wizards

The above data has been proven by multiple sources, so you can be assure it's legit. However, I had one minor concern when looking up those information about Larry. How come they are all in the past?

Well, the reason is that Larry is no longer active on Wall Street. He spent most of his life making money for the 0.01% now focuses on teaching regular people from the Main Street and trading for himself.

How is it going? Well, no too long ago Brian tested Larry recommendations and 15 out of 18 were winners with 3 losers, that netted a 1,245% gain.

To put this in perspective, if you just invest a total of $1,000 into those trades you would have had gained $12,450 + the $1,000 you invested. A seed money of $5,000 would become $67,250 and so on.

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The potential is real, and the best part is that you don't need hundreds of thousands to make potentially a full time income with Larry's Opportunistic Trader.

Are You Worried about Retirement?

No matter if you are 35 or 65, many people are worrying about their retirement. It doesn't matter if it's 401k, IRA or even saving accounts, all of them are losing value.

However, Larry Benedict has even solution for that with his  One Ticker Retirement plan, which is part of the Opportunistic Trader.

Click Here to get it now

Larry Benedict Reviews: Prodigy or Opportunist ?

I've talked about Larry achievements on Wall Street and more recently on main Street but doing my research I've noticed something interesting.

Despite all of his success, from running top 1% hedge fund to making $106,000 in one day for charity, Larry had a very humbling beginning. He was just a middle class kid trying to make it big in world of finances.

However, it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine when he got on Wall Street. Quite the opposite, Larry's legendary fails are both detailed in Jack D. Schwager book, and his own words. Jack describes Larry early career as losing money in treading and getting fired.

You see, Larry was no prodigy, but that didn't stop him to achieve the success he became. This fact alone makes him more real than 99% of trading gurus out there.

It is often said that road to success is paved in failure and that's true with Larry. He achieved everything he has through trial and error. However, for the last 20+ years he has been consistency making money.

Which is something I respect very much, and while only few will do it at the level of Larry, but luckily for us he's here to help

Get his help

Inside The Larry Benedict Trading System

These are subject to change as from what I understand Larry Benedict is doing something special for the new trader but let's recap later

  • The Opportunistic Trader – Larry alert system that will email you 1 to 3 recommendations per week.
  • The Opportunistic Trader’s Field Guide – primer that teaches everything about trading options, including account set up, put in a trade and other essentials.
  • Quadruple Witching – report on how to capitalize on the 4 most profitable days with trading a year.
  • Periodic email updates – as needed updates about positions, gains and sells. 
  • Larry’s $1 Billion Rolodex – learn the secrets of other richest moneymakers in

On top of that you 3 Guarantees

  1. Satisfaction Guarantee – you can test Larry's system for 30 days and if it doesn't fit you, you return it for credit for any reason.
  2. 50 Winners Guarantee – this is a big one as Larry guarantees he will send at least 50 recommendation that are winners in the next year. If not he works for free.
  3. Low Price Guarantee – this introductory price will not last, and it's your only chance to get your membership for $1,997

Ready to get started?

Are You The Opportunistic Trader?

By now, you know what Larry Benedict and his system is all about. You had the chance to see the review, research, proof and even a guarantee. However, is it for you?

Are you ready to take charge of financial situation? Whether it's about an extra income, managing savings or your retirement. How would an additional $200,000 per year fit into this plan?

In the end, it doesn't take a marketing wizard to follow Larry's recommendation and lock in the profits.  All you really need to do is take that first step and seize the opportunity presented for you.

“Carpe Diem” – Seize the  day

Become the Opportunistic Trader by getting Larry's system.

Click Here to sign up and use your main email if possible

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