Is Green Gold Mastermind by Alex Gould and Mike Long the last affiliate marketing mastermind program you'll ever need?
If your goal is to make $5,000 per day with a 50% commission split, promoting products in one of the hottest niches without even leaving your home, then you better stick around.
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Intro to Green Gold Mastermind by Alex Gould
Listen, after being an affiliate for over 10 years, I've tried, tested and reviewed many products that aim to make you money online.
However, I have seen nothing like the Green Gold Mastermind. And I wish I could go back in my affiliate career and start it with a program like this. Why?
- Getting 50% commission on a psychical product is unheard of.
- The product is so hot it sells itself and tons of people want it.
- All done with free traffic from $86k per month affiliate training + my bonus that will take it to the next level.
Do you need anything more?
Why Most Fail with Affiliate Marketing?
If you just want to jump into the details of this Green Gold Mastermind review, then you can skip this part. However, it's important to know how the Green Gold affiliate system differs from what you experienced before.
Yes, it said that 95% of people trying to affiliate marketing fail. Sounds scary, but then again 90% of startups, that have nothing to do with affiliate marketing, fail as well.
Now, we can go on and list 101 reasons business fail, but it all comes down to not making money. If a business, or affiliate marketer, doesn't make money, it fails.
The good and bad part about affiliate marketing is that low-entry point. Meanings you can become an affiliate marketing with virtually no capital and anyone can do it. That's the good part.
The bad part is that everyone can try it and give up losing nothing. Why is this bad? First, this increases fail rate as most people just try it and give up. Second, affiliate marketing is too over-saturated at the low level that it's hard to breakthrough when you're just starting.
I mean, just look how spamed Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok is with so-called gurus “promising” and “showing” ways to make money online. Yes, almost none of them are using thier own methods they show.
You won't find Alex Gould making posts like that because he's actually busy running a real business online. Now you can grab a slice of that business for yourself.
How Does the GreenGoldMastermind Do It Better?
Okay, we got top the fun part. So, what does a traditional affiliate marketing program teaches? The golden 3 steps of making money with affiliate marketing:
- Pick an offer
- Pick a traffic source
- Scale (or rinse and repeat)
How many times did you see or hear those 3 in one way or another? I bet countless, but it works, so why reinvent a wheel?
Many product creators do just that and come out with new product every month. I mean, there are some affiliate courses that do explore other traffic methods, and offers, but most regurgitate the same 3 steps with no inovation.
The Alex Way
Let's see how Alex Gould will tackle these 3 steps with Green Gold Mastermind.
Pick an Offer:
With the Green Gold system you will have products ready to promote from day one. So, more worry if the affiliate platform will accept you or now, or not knowing what converts.
Best part? This isn't some chicken hen blueprints that's handful or people are looking for a year. No, millions of people are searching for the products you'll be offering as an affiliate.
Pick a Traffic Source:
Again, this is practically done-for-you. Alex Gould will teach you step by step how to promote the products using free traffic, reaching out to past customers and other cool ways.
Plus, you'll get my bonus on how to scale that traffic even more!
Seeing how you most likely found this blog by searching for a keyword related to Green Gold Mastermind, you can tell I enjoy this part. I love free traffic, and it has been my main source of traffic on most of my sites since I started.
Sure, there are some cool paid traffic sources around as well, but nothing beat free, right?
Scale (or rinse and repeat)
The last, but not the least step, unless you rinse and repeat, is calling. How to go from $10 per day to a $100, to a $1,000 or even $5,000?
Again, Alex Gould has done this and will teach it step by step. However, it's important to mention the type of Alex is teaching, meaning organic from search engines is the best type of traffic, to scale to passive income.
Now you can argue that it's not the fastest traffic source to scale. Which could be true if you're prepare to lose hundreds of dollars per day on ads to find a winner to scale. However, for most consistent scale and passive income, organic is the way to go.
You see, with ads even if you find a winner you consntantly have to look for another one because it will not last. Organic on the otehr hadn increases with time. I have sites that I've done little to for the last 7 years and they are still making me money.
As you can see, Alex Gould knows his stuff, but let's talk about him a bit.
Alex Gould Reviews From Affiliate to Owner
I've first heard of Alex Gould, probably around 2015 or 2016. He got on some webinar with Mike Long and showed his innovative keyword research technique.
Now, this wasn't a beginner's training, and most attending were serious affiliates, but he floored everyone. You could tell this guy was going places fast.
Since then, Alex Gould mostly stayed off the radar. I heard he did some masterminds and live trainings but you wouldn't see him promoting a newest course on Instagram.
Until he started his current venture. However, if 7 or 8 years ago how Alex Gould was already schooling seasoned affiliates on SEO and ended up building his affiliate business up to $86,000 per month. Imagine the knowledge he has now?
Learn Affiliate SEO from the Best
Yes, it's that powerful. It's like a secret to unlocking unlimited amount of free organic traffic. Now, maybe media buyers will say free traffic is not free because it takes time and money to build. Really?
So, let's compare this to a regular business. If I opened a pizza place and optimized it so Google directs people to my spot without me paying Google a dime. How is that not free?
Compare that to having to pay for each visitor to my pizza place, even if they didn't buy.
Okay, I hope that makes sense. The point is that Alex Gould is one of the best affiliate SEO marketer I had an opportunity to learn from, and now it's your turn.
Inside Review of
The Green Gold Mastermind has 4 important components:
- The Setup
- Mastermind Discussion – the community where you can ask anything and get answers from the pros.
- Product – learn about the product which will not only help you with marketing but also make you more money
- Traffic and Conversions – learn how to get traffic and conversions for sweet commissions payout.
The Setup is where you set up the websites, get links and so on. While this is a simple process make sure to do it the way Alex Gould does it for maximum results.
Mastermind Discussion is what many programs do but to the next level. Instead of using just Facebook Groups or Skype like most, they went a rout that is more organized.
I think this is a great ideas as it will have interesting threads that you can comeback to and not a be a mess like FB groups.
Product Alex Gould and Mike Long included a whole section about the products you'll be promoting. Even where it's sourced from and how it's made.
Which at first I wasn't too excited about it. I mean it's product, but then I realized how much additional content and keywords you can get from those videos.
Which will translate for more authority and trust for your affiliate website. Now I think it's a brilliant addition.
Traffic and Conversions, finally the part that this all builds up to. Doesn't matter if you're selling diamonds or rocks without traffic you're not getting any sales.
That's why I'm glad that a big chunk of Green Gold Mastermind focuses on traffic. Now, even you someway down the line you decide to promote something else than Green Gold products. The things you will learn from Alex Gould will work in any niche.
I would say the traffic course is worth the price itself. But, how about conversions? Now, it seems most programs out there do not make a big deal out conversions as much as traffic.
Which makes sense as when you're just getting started, you just want to get as much traffic as possible. However, a simple 1% to 2% conversion rate means a 100% increase in sales.
So, if you're making a $500 on a 1% conversion rate than 2% will equal $1,000 per day and 5% would mean $2,500 per day without getting more traffic.
So, yes, this part is a key for scaling, as you want to scale smarter and harder.
What if you want to make even more money?
Green Gold Mastermind Bonus
So, yes, Green Gold Mastermind and if you just take what Alex Gould is teaching and run with it, you will make tons of money. However, I want to make it even sweeter.
After doing SEO and other free traffic methods, I have a few tricks under my belt that will work as well. If you buy using my link, I'll work with you and help you each step of the way all the 14 months!
In fact, I'll even help after, but by that time we will partner up on some exciting new projects as you'll be a super affiliate yourself.
That's my Green Gold Mastermind bonus for you.
Are You Ready To Start Earning?
Imagine earning $1000 per week as an affiliate? How about a $10,000 per week? Maybe $$35,000?
Not many opportunities like this come make this even possible, especially in the affiliate space. However, with the Green Gold Mastermind by Alex Gould and Mike Long it is not only possible, but could be your reality.
Grab Green Gold Mastermind at

Anna VanDem is a loving wife, caring mother and passionate entrepreneur that wished to help everyone in their online journey. Anna's focus is SEO and affiliate marketing, but she also enjoys eCom, crypto and investing (also chocolate).